Asset Protection Strategies Guidebook

6 essential steps to consider no matter your net worth

Why Everyone Should Protect Their Assets

In a world where one wrong turn can lead to financial ruin, protecting your hard-earned assets is more crucial than ever. Unforeseen events, like divorce or lawsuits, can put everything you've worked for at risk. Our guidebook on asset protection strategies ensures you safeguard your wealth and secure your financial future, no matter what challenges life throws your way.

Do not risk losing everything or facing expensive legal fees. Our guidebook covers essential topics like marital agreements, estate planning, wills, and living trusts. Take control of your future by downloading our guidebook and implementing asset protection strategies today.

What You Can Find Inside

Everything you need to know about the following asset protection strategies


Postmarital Agreements

Divorce & Automatic Restraining Order

Estate Planning


Living Trust

Meet the Expert, Sahar.

Sahar is a California licensed attorney, and co-founder of Imperium Fortune, LLC. As a passionate landlord and real estate investor she focuses on preventative strategies by incorporating real estate asset protection under her scope of legal practice.

In her family law practice, Sahar has assisted many families establish various methods to protect their assets before, during, and after their marriage.

Building wealth is important, but how do you best protect yourself from losing it?